Trips Categories

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Trip Categories can be created and will also be used in the Trips overview page order.


New Category: Category name - Please enter the name of the category this trip will be created under, for example (a trip to Old Trafford would be under a category name such as Sports Trips.

Select Trip group

Category Picture: Choose a photo to upload from your computer that will resemble the type of trip category you are going to take customers on (note this will display on your website).Default colour - please move your mouse cursor over the colour wheel and left-click on the desired colour (this colour will be the box that surrounds the picture you selected in the previous step).

Select Default color

Description: Write a description about your new category event (this will also be visible on your website).

Add a Title and Meta Description

Select GST Code, if needed.

Available: If turned on your new category will be visible for the customers to see on your website. If turned off this will not be visible on your website.

Then click Save