Pricing Calendar

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To set up your pricing calendar, click on Tools on the Taskbar then Config. Click on Vehicle Options then Pricing Calender. Click on New Pricing Calendar and scroll down the page to add data. When you have set your data and vehicle click on Submit to save. Repeat for each vehicle as required.


Name: Please enter a name for this Calendar rule for example "June Uplift".

Priority: Please select a priority from 1-100 from the drop-down box this rule will be given preference on that particular date and time.

Exclusive: Turn on if you want this to prioritize over all the other rules based on the priority you set in the previous drop-down box.

Account: If you want to apply this calendar rule to one of your account customers please select from the drop-down menu.

Start Date: Enter the date you want this uplift to apply from.

End Date: Enter the date that this uplift will finish.

Start time: Enter the start time this uplift will apply.

End Time: Enter the end time this uplift will apply.

Days: Please turn on or off the days this rule applies to.

Vehicles: Select the vehicles you would like to apply this rule to.

Within X days: Select from the drop-down menu how many days from the calendar uplift you want the system to recognize the rule.

Location: If you are using this rule on a particular location please select the location from the drop-down menu.

KM/Miles: Please enter the number of miles from the previous location you selected that you want this rule to apply.

Uplift: Enter a figure in % you want to uplift the price.